March 4, 2015

5 Types of men every sensible woman should avoid like a plague..

Dating is a very good learning experience.

You find out what you like and don’t like in potential mates, and you also get to know a lot about yourself.

The search for love can be frustrating, though, and sometimes, you’ll find yourself wanting to overlook certain qualities in order to finally end the search.

But, as someone who has dated my fair share of men, trust me when I say that none of the following types are worth putting up with.

Some of these may seem very obvious, but even the smartest of women sometimes gloss over the red flags:

1. The Jekyll-And-Hyde Drunk

When you first meet a guy like this, you feel so lucky to have found someone creative, interesting and smart.

He is on his best behavior, but because past friends and lovers have told him his drinking is sometimes problematic, he keeps it to a minimum around you. Once he gets comfortable, though, he allows himself to get drunk because he just wants to have fun like everyone else.

That’s when the monster comes out. Suddenly, this guy is spewing the most hateful, nastiest things you’ve ever heard.

He doesn’t even seem like the same person. He becomes like a petulant child who you feel the need to babysit, and his behaviors become dangerous and erratic. He gets into fights, throws things and refuses to listen to anyone.

It’s frustrating and confusing because this guy is so normal and cool when he’s sober. But, this is all evidence of some deep and major issues with which he has clearly not dealt.

I know what it’s like to want to try and fix this broken person, but it’s not worth your patience and sanity. He has to deal with it on his own.

2. The Alcoholic

The Alcoholic is very different from the Jekyll-and-Hyde Drunk. The Alcoholic is a person who usually keeps it together and rarely acts irrationally.

But, this is because he is always self-medicating. His issues emerge when he’s sober, so he would rather just block that all out and numb anything that resembles feelings.

You wonder if you’ve ever hung out with him when he’s sober.

Sometimes, you don’t even notice his drinking because it’s so normal for him. He rarely drives anywhere and always wants to end the night at his place so he can have one more (or five more) cocktails from his own stash.

These people never have clear heads, so you can never be sure who they are. Nothing ever gets too real, deep or personal. You try to suggest sober activities, but they don’t usually seem interested.

Alcoholics don’t really want to engage with you in the light of day, without the comfort of their drinks.

3. The Cheater/Manipulator

This type of guy is someone you hooked up with while he was in a relationship.

He insisted they were “on a break,” or things were so bad with his girlfriend that they were definitely breaking up anyway, so it was fine. You knew it was wrong and you didn’t want to do it, but your heart just couldn’t help it.

He was just so charming and enamored with you.

Once this guy gets you hooked, you think you’re the right person for him, and he and his ex were wrong for each other. You were both attracted to each other by the universe and it was meant to be.

Get real. He’s probably going to cheat on you, too. Sorry.

Why would he act differently with other girls? He sees something he wants and he goes after it.

Right and wrong don’t mean much to him — only personal gain and pleasure. If he gets caught, he has at least five excuses in his back pocket he can use on you.

This guy probably not only cheats with women, but in life, too. He probably cheats on tests, steals other people’s ideas and does whatever he needs to to get ahead at work.

He is usually very smart and calculating; a smooth talker who gets what he wants by charming his way out of any sort of discipline.

He’s constantly making excuses for his behavior. Proceed at your own risk.

4. The Controller

This guy constantly makes you feel bad about everything: what you’re wearing, how much makeup you have on, how you do you.

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