March 23, 2015

Drake Was Right-lil wayne

Lil Wayne settled his beef with Drake, who slept with his girlfriend, by concluding, "F*** that ho!" ... this according to a book treatment he's shopping around to publishers.
Drake visited weezy while he was at Rikers Island and told him the day before Weezy hooked up with his girlfriend, Drake slept with her. According to the treatment, Drake said, "I did f*** her."

Apparently, Weezy decided the GF was too loose for his taste, because in the treatment he concludes, "As a man, I'll admit that shit really f****d me up, but hey, **** that ho!" He added, "Love is blind, that's why I say make sure that bitch is a seeing eye dog."
And there's some real entertaining stuff in the book, like when Wayne writes about guards coming into his cell and checking his nut sack, and then opening his cereal box and stomping on it.
The treatment also has proud moments, like when Wayne was down in the dumps but was uplifted by a visit from his lawyer. He says when the lawyer left, he went back to his cell to make himself some dinner. "Tonight's menu was noodle soup and a Doritos burrito. Yeah! Made it myself." 
But there were low points, too. He says that same night, "The guy below me yelled all night, "Yo, f*** you Weezy!"


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