March 13, 2015

Kathy Griffin 'Fashion Police' We're Done with Her

Kathy Griffin Fired Fashion Police

Kathy Griffin was about to get fired before she railed on "Fashion Police" and quit the show ... so claim sources connected with the production, but Kathy says it's a lie ... she's wanted to quit from the get-go.
We're told there was a pitch meeting for the show several days ago in which someone in the room pitched an idea called "Whore Score." We're told the idea was rejected because
it was too mean.
Kathy ranted about the segment idea saying, "Name calling and alliteration with no comedic context is simply the lowest hanging fruit." She then made "Fashion Police" sound old school and tired.
Our sources say Kathy's comments infuriated the production staff. They felt she violated confidences and took a shot at her own show. They also said she was a hypocrite because they claim her shtick is exactly what she described.   
Our sources say hours before Kathy tweeted her resignation, producers had a meeting and talked about giving her the ax.
But Kathy says her resignation was brewing for weeks. She says it's the classic bait and switch ... she was told she could do her brand of comedy, but when push came to shove they wanted the same old crap. Kathy says she threatened to quit at least 3 times but producers kept making empty promises.

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