May 21, 2015

BBC Apologise Over Restaurant Cannibal Story

                                 Image result for BBC
The British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC) Swahili has confirmed that the story about the restaurant in Anambra State, Nigeria with a human meat menu was a mistake.
It also apologizes for publishing fake news. It said the story was false and unsuitable.
The BBC said it had already begun urgent inquiry to check what led to such publication and will take required steps to enable the mistake does not happen again.

It said: “The story about the Nigerian restaurant which we published here frames a mistake and we apologise. It was incorrect and BBC published without the proper checks. We have removed the story and have launched an urgent investigation into how this happened.”

On its turn, Daily Mail, which also published the story about human flesh meat restaurant, also said that the article has now been removed from their website. It should be noted that the Anambra state police has dismissed the rumours that a certain restaurant has been serving their customer human meat.

The police that it’s not true and it did not happen. 
Meanwhile, the BBC published the report that police raided the restaurant, and found fresh human heads, still bleeding.
Nigerians in their reactions to the accident called Igbos human eaters and said that evil is everywhere.

It’s not the first time when foreign media make mistakes about our country.
People caught the moment from the CNN’s evening news when one of the most renowned news sources in the world wrote that Nairobi (Kenya) is situated in Nigeria.

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