April 4, 2015

HAPPENING NOW: Boko Haram Attacks Kayamla, Borno… Four Fishermen Beheaded, Another Five Were….

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Reports reaching PREMIUM TIMES indicate that members of the insurgent Boko Haram are currently attacking Kayamla village of Borno.Kayamla is about 20km from Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, and the attack was ongoing at 2:10 p.m.

An official of the local vigilante called Civilian-JTF in Borno, Muhammed Gava, confirmed the attack to PREMIUM TIMES.
“We just got a report from our vigilante members around Konduga local government area that Boko Haram terrorists were in Kayamla and we’ve just assembled a team of vigilante members and the Civilian-JTF who are about to storm Kayamla now,” he said.
Kayamla was last attacked by the Boko Haram in January last year.
Saturday’s attack comes barely 24 hours after Boko Haram attacked a fishing community about 15km from Maiduguri.
Four fishermen were beheaded and dumped inside the river Alau, while five other fishermen were allegedly taken away by the insurgents, who were later killed by Civilian-JTF who trailed them to a Balle Village.
A top security source who spoke to PREMIUM TIMES said 16 of the terrorists who partook in the killing of the fishermen were killed by members of the youth vigilante.
More details later…

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