May 22, 2015

California actress Rachael Farrokh is begging for help as she suffers from anorexia

California actress Rachael Farrokh is begging for our help -- she's been suffering from anorexia for the last decade or more, and weighs around 40 pounds ... at 5'7". Rachael claims to have been refused treatment at a variety of hospitals due to her condition, as her extremely fragile health is considered a "liability" and states that there's just one facility in the United States that will be equipped to treat her. 

Rachael recently commented on her video, saying: 

"Thank you so much for those that understand it is a disease and not something I chose. It's not about the food; it's about many issues layered with trauma and control and having no self worth. If you knew me, you would know that this is a last resort ... I'm a person who would never borrow or ask for anything. I love to help people. I am so grateful because not only are you saving my life but lives from countless others I've received messages from. Even those who have cancer have said they are going back to treatment and not give up. A girl pulled her head out of the toilet because she thought of the story and is now seeking treatment help. A lot of people do not understand this disease and is extremely difficult and dangerous to overcome. It's shameful and depressing. Most people are too ashamed to talk about it. Not only is your brain sick, it's been scientifically proven our neurons fire a different pathway, our brains shrink, you are in constant pain and you feel you deserve it, so it hits you biologically, mentally, and definitely emotionally. So it's difficult when you aren't firing on all cylinders. Those that have eating disorders have to deal with it all day every day because you need food to live; it's not a drug or alcohol problem .. Those you can live without.... Nor do I diminish their pain.. It's just different. I thought I would only hurt myself for not being worthy enough to eat but it's not true.... It will ruin lives... And the less pain I can cause someone the better.. I hope you understand by all of your positivity, donations and support, you all have saved so many lives already. ..." 
If you or someone you know are suffering from this horrific disease, let this be a tool for understanding it better. Anorexia is not a choice and should not be looked at as anything "easier" to deal with in the spectrum of life-ending conditions. 

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