February 6, 2016

Economic crunch: States suspend corps members’ allowances

Most state governments have suspended the monthly allowances being paid to members of the National Youth Service Corps due to the economic crunch affecting the country.
Saturday PUNCH learnt that some of the states stopped paying the allowances more than one year ago. Before the economic downturn, most states of the federation were paying stipends to the NYSC members deployed in their areas of jurisdiction in order to augment the N19, 800 the Federal Government was giving to the corps members.

But as the reality of the economic downturn is biting harder, some states suspended payment of the stipends, thereby leaving the corps members to depend solely on the N19,800 the Federal Government is paying to them. This has forced the corps members to lament.
The situation is more pronounced in Kwara State, where the government has not paid corps members serving in the state for more than two years now.

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